Keeping the significance of the specialist's abilities and the general desires for our demographic, Dr Parthasarathi is the Best Hair Transplant Clinic In Bangalore. The methods are executed by a prepared group of specialists and advisors headed by Dr Parthasarathi. Dr Parthasarathi and his group have performed 1500+ successful medical procedures till date. Best Hair Transplant Clinic In Indiranagar Dr Parthasarathi is extraordinary compared to other hair transplant center in south India and granted as Best dermatologist trichologist in bangalore 2019 and with increasingly 12 honors.
FUT Hair Transplantation is a strategy where a segment of skin is taken from the back piece of the scalp, in a region of good hair development. This is then taken and reaped in a petri dish containing typical saline and the unions are seperated. The beneficiary region is dermabraded and the unions are embedded into the beneficiary territory. Patient is encouraged to return to Best Hair Transplant Clinic In Bangalore following 2 weeks for suture expulsion. The edges of the hair development are noted and little entry points one after another are given in these ways, delicate sharp analyzation is done to guarantee close to 100% unions survival on both sides. This permits more noteworthy number of unite harvests, and protection of unions on the contributor zone, permitting a for all intents and purposes imperceptible scar.
FUE Hair Transplantation is this strategy where individual Follicular Units containing 1 - 4 hairs are evacuated under nearby anesthesia utilizing an exceptional instrument to separate the fulliculars. There is no entry point on the back of the scalp. Like FUt the separated follicular units are put at the beneficiary territory in the wake of dermablading the beneficiary region of the scalp.
There is another new and propelled method for hair implantation called Direct Hair Transplant. The favorable position that this procedure has over the other two is that it doesn't require gathering entry point or making openings on the receptor surface. With the assistance of a protected DHI implanter apparatus, the hair follicles are straightforwardly embedded at the receptor site.
best clinic for hair transplant in Koramangala Dr Parthasarathi offers both FUT and FUE. Now and again where hair thickness on the scalp is low or the individual has had a few transplants previously or has created alopecia (spot sparseness), Body Hair Transplant (BHT) is additionally done. Facial Hair Transplant is the hair transplant system accomplished for facial territories where hair are diminishing. It is primarily done to conceal scars or increment the facial hair development.
With over more than thousands of successful hair surgeries and treatments and 12 awards no doubt Dr Parthasarathi is the best clinic for hair transplant in MG Road, Bangalore.