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Everything about Hair Transplantation in Bangalore: Cost, procedure and methods

You are reading this website that implies you are searching for affordable and Best Hair Transplantation in Bangalore. Rest guaranteed, you have gone to the ideal spot on the web. On this page you will become more acquainted with everything about hair transplant like cost, centers, specialists and so forth.

At Dr. Parthasrathi’s Asian Hair and Skin hospital you can find one of the best hair Transplantation specialists who offers best hair Transplantation in Indiranagar, Koramangala and MG Road. We are known as the best hair Transplantation clinic in Bangalore because of our promising results. The FUE innovation is progressed to the point that outcomes are nearly guaranteed, if you select the most experienced specialist for your hair Transplantation in Bangalore.

Types of Hair Transplantation offered by Dr. Parthasrathi

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) Strip method

Strip medical procedure or FUT is a conventional method where a "strip" of skin is expelled from the back of the scalp and the subsequent hole is sewed together with sutures. A group of associates plunks down to isolate hair follicles from bits of this piece of skin. At that point these hair follicles are implanted in the beneficiary region by making beneficiary gaps with surgical tools and inserting hairs in these gaps with the assistance of forceps.

Some of the Disadvantages of FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) Hair Transplantation

  • Strip system leaves a lasting scar in the contributor zone which a patient is to convey forever.

  • The endurance pace of embedded follicles is poor

  • There is little control on the point profundity and heading of the hair follicles embedded, after their development. Because of this outcomes are for the most part unnatural.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) came into India and gradually wound up well known. FUE includes extricating singular hair follicles from the benefactor region utilizing mechanized extractors. The implantation is done the very same path as the FUT strategy, for example by making beneficiary gaps with surgical tools and embeddings hairs in these openings with the assistance of forceps.

Advantages of the Best Hair Transplantation FUE method

  • FUE doesn't leave a perpetual scar in the benefactor territory.

  • The mending procedure is faster than FUT and it takes around about fourteen days.

At Dr. Parthasrathi’s Asian Hair and Skin hospital we offer one of the Best Hair Transplantation in Bangalore. Dr. Parthasrathi is awarded with number of awards because of his success rate in hair and skin treatment. With 18 years of experience he has successfully performed thousands of hair treatment. Dr. Parthasrathi hair Hair Transplantation clinic consist of one of the best Hair Transplantation doctors in bangalore.

Our Branches for hair Transplantation;

  • Best Hair Transplantation in MG Road

  • Best Hair Transplantation in Koramangala

  • Best Hair Transplantation in Indiranagar



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